See The Picture That Made Kanye West Love Kim Kardashian

Funny, but true!!!

The above photoshoot; Kim K took with Paris Hilton back in 2006 was the picture that made rapper Kanye West fall in love with her.

In a recent interview with Kris Jenner, Kanye West said the moment he saw the above photo of Kim with Paris Hilton, he fell in love with her.

He further said because Kim K loves to date footballers, he considered becoming one in order toget her.
‘I just dreamed about being next to her. I keep saying it… I don’t want to start jumping up and down on the couch or anything…‘ Kanye said

Kim Kardashian’s mother, Jenner said Kanye West drew a photo of himself next to Kim in thefamily Christmas card in order to profess his love for Kim.

‘He would take the photo when he saw it online and would Photoshop himself into the card and then share it with Kim,’Kris said